Luckily, I have an extension for my submission and presentation, therefore, am not presenting to the original deadline of 12 January 2022. However, I attended the morning session (I sadly couldn’t attend the full day due to work commitments) to watch my peers’ presentations and to contribute where appropriate with feedback or questions. Below are my notes following my peers’ presentations, with some reminders for myself for when I present on 2 February 2022.
A mark sheet was shared with the group as a reminder of what tutors assess the presentations against.
Participant Name & Overall grade | Learning Outcome 1: Identify a topic for inquiry, justifying its professional significance. [Knowledge] | Learning Outcome 2: Investigate methods of enquiry appropriate to the specific contexts of the topic. [Process] | Learning Outcome 3: Conduct a scholarly enquiry. [Enquiry] | Learning Outcome 4: Present project findings in a coherent, context-sensitive manner. [Communication] |
Name: Overall grade: |
Every student has a 30 minute slot, 10 minutes to present with a 8 minute timing reminder.
Questions at the end from peers are there to support the presenter, particularly if there were parts of the learning outcome that you feel the presenter did not cover in the presentation. This could be around research methods or reflections on their research methods.
A good way of splitting the presentation is as follows:
- introduce self and the research topic of SiP
- research topic and rational (introduction)
- aims for the research (future thinking)
- definition/s of key words
- enquiry – evidencing the rational of research (literature review)
- consideration of research methods (methodology)
- method of research 1 (research & reflections)
- method of research 2 (research & further reflections)
- conclusive findings and next steps (conclusion)
- references (bibliography)
‘kindness’, ‘being kind’ is a key value Catherine promotes in the practice of research and engagement on the program. If anyone is interested there is an interesting book by psychoanalyst Adam Phillips and Historian Barbara Taylor on the history and genealogy of kindness as a concept and practice. Phillips brings a psychoanalytic take but interesting hive.co.uk/Product/Adam-Phillips/On-Kindness/358152
John O’Reilly in the chat box, presentation day
I enjoyed watching my peers presentations, however, it made me feel very much on edge when comparing the level or depth of research some of my peers had undertaken over this unit. It made me consider how I have been incredibly busy, but perhaps I could have prioritised my SiP a little more than I had done. However, I am hopeful that my research enquiry continues within my role in the Outreach team as I am always keen to seek improvements in practices.